生日,节日,背景 by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

视频电话:特殊日子的节日气氛! 明亮的颜色, 节日图形和情感背景, 完美的问候和创造节日气氛."
Illuminate your Ramadan greetings with our high-quality Ramadan Kareem Intro Video. This captivating video elegantly showcases the beauty and significance of the holy month.
太阳终于下山了,该走了. Inside the underground junction, the lights are still on and the cars are roaming endlessly. 汽车从左右飞驰而过,红绿灯出现了...
10个令人惊叹的3D动画动物, 包括一只羊驼, 一只熊, 一只骆驼, 一只猫, 一只鸡, 一头牛, 一只狗, 一只海豚, 一个火烈鸟, 还有一只狐狸.
它包含10个令人惊叹的3D动画动物, 包括一头猪, 瓢虫, 一只蜘蛛, 一只河马, 水母, 一条鲨鱼, 一头大象, 一条蛇, 一只蜜蜂, 还有一条河豚


库存视频也被称为视频片段或b-roll. It is a fragment of video content, clip, or shot used to insert into video production. 库存视频不是专门为上述生产创建的, but rather as a separate piece and can be excerpted from other projects or archive photos.

今天, video footage is created with almost the only purpose — to sell the license to other creators to use in a larger production. This is the reason why authors deliver video templates with a more generic perspective to fit in different styles. 这就是所谓的录像.

在templatemmonster市场上, 我们提供了大量适合不同用途的库存视频. 模板由可靠和专业的创作者交付, 这样你就可以对产品质量有保证.


The stock video comes handy when you need to jazz up your video project regardless of its kind and purpose. Using video footage for a project can be a good idea at least for the following reasons.

  1. 这样可以节省时间. 毫无疑问,制作一部电影需要花费大量的时间. 但是如果你要制作短片来展示你公司的服务, 你可能想抄近路. One of the video templates presented on TM marketplace will deliver footage of great quality, 所以制作一个视频剪辑不会让你花时间去寻找演员, 位置, 设备, 和运营商.
  2. 这是一个省钱的方法. Not only does stock video footage save you much time, but it also can save you a budget. 聘请视频专业人员和演员会增加你的支出. 如果你预算紧张,股票视频是你的生命线.
  3. 它是你的故事杀手. Using stock video lets you structure your production, bridge the gap, and maintain the quality. 因为可用剪辑的范围是巨大的, 包括全景镜头, 极端的靠近, 或者广角镜头, 你可以选择合适的镜头来更好地讲述你的故事.


库存视频用例从短片到大型电影制作各不相同. 让我们仔细看看各种应用程序.

  • Stock footage is frequently used to integrate into news programs or television and movies. 新闻节目有时会利用他们图书馆里的素材, while television and movies have footage from previous installments and utilize it again. 这种方法降低了生产成本.
  • 在许多广播节目中,素材剪辑很受欢迎, 充当某一城市的建立镜头.
  • 许多广告, 包括政治或问题导向, 也倾向于在他们的视频内容中使用库存素材.
  • 说到纪录片, 股票视频扮演着重要的角色, 允许电影人讲述历史事件的故事, 记录现代水下考古活动, 或内容完整的自然历史纪录片.
  • 股票视频也因其在企业玩家中的受欢迎程度而闻名. The companies from the whole world prefer using stock footage for in-house meetings, 约定, 研讨会, 以及其他公司活动.



Before you start shooting your first stock video, decide on the niche you want to work in. When it comes to actual shooting, think about every shot and what idea it conveys. Make sure you shoot 4K even if you are to offer HD download — the clients prefer footage with high resolution. Start shooting in natural daylight, then get to top-notch lighting tools for night shooting. 避免除基本修复之外的任何处理. 和, 最后, consider including 人 and filming from a variety of angles to make the footage more vivid.


首先, you need to create a broad portfolio of stock video to meet the needs of a wider 业务 audience, 因为你永远不知道你的客户在寻找什么. Entering the market with your video footage will also require you to think like a client when creating stock videos, 定期更新你的库存视频库, 坚持关注热门的视觉话题. 受欢迎的分类包括情绪, 体系结构, 背景和摘要, 业务, 健康生活, 房地产, 和人民.


有太多的平台允许在线销售库存视频. They include Getty and iStock, Shutterstock, Vimeo, VideoHive, and Template怪物 marketplace.


欢迎您浏览templatemmonster市场, where we have done all the hard work and put together thousands of great-quality digital products. 除了矢量图形, 图标, 字体, 插件, 网站主题, 你也可以获得股票资产, 像视频. 通过设置筛选它们以找到合适的模板.


有很多网站, 包括运动阵列和其他市场, 免费提供库存视频. Navigate to any of the 搜索 engines of common use and enter ‘free stock videos’ or ‘free video footage’ into the 搜索 line to get multiple options to choose from.


  1. 离开一切,走开 是斯坦尼康相机拍摄的一个女人扔下一切离开了吗. It will be a great solution for dramatic films or to highlight the feelings of the character.
  2. 乘客休息室 is a Dolly shot presenting 人 walking or relaxing while waiting for their flight at Vnukovo airport.
  3. 冬季城市的日常驾驶 tells a short story about a 男人。 who is driving the car while there is snowy weather outside and mess on roads.
  4. 妈妈和儿子在玩游戏 is an emotional and kind stock video about how mom spends time with her 孩子 while being on the road.
  5. 黑暗电影院的观众 镜头显示人们坐在电影院里,看着空白的屏幕. 视频片段可以作为电影的介绍.