10个令人惊叹的3D动画动物, 包括一只羊驼, 一只熊, 一只骆驼, 一只猫, 一只鸡, 一头牛, 一只狗, 一只海豚, 一个火烈鸟, 还有一只狐狸.
在线网站登录4K动画. 输入用户名和密码登录到网站或网络. Website login form fills up and clicking the Sign In button on a laptop with 白色 background.
音频频谱波背景4K动画. 均衡器运动图形的音乐或录音. Lined audio spectrum simulation with a microphone for music or 技术 concept 4k animation.

行星地球(4k +眩光) by Oleksandr_Yatsenko

This video takes the viewer on a magical journey around our beautiful planet. 从太空看到的地球发生了惊人的转变. 

2D DNA模型4K动画 by iftikharalam

用粒子构造DNA分子的动画. 数字DNA的概念动画,人类基因组. 医学研究,基因工程,生物学. 未来的4k DNA分子动画.
清单4K动画. 带有复选标记和铅笔的剪贴板. 工作列表选中白色背景上的动画. 办公室任务进度报告剪贴板2D动画. 剪贴板上的清单.
人体解剖和呼吸4K动画. Lungs taking oxygen from the air and breathing out carbon dioxide 4K footage. 人体肺部工作动画空气进出概念.
3D rendered loopable animation of rotating DNA glowing molecule on 蓝色的 background. 遗传学概念. DNA strand animation, 3D rendered looping animation of rotating DNA strand animation.

3D DNA旋转动画 by iftikharalam

Abstract White DNA 3D Hologram glowing rotating DNA double helix loop animation. 科学和医学概念. 技术, 医学, gene therapy, development, engineering, and AI synergy.
DNA strand animation, 3D rendered looping animation of rotating DNA strand animation. 3D rendered loopable animation of rotating DNA glowing molecule on 蓝色的 background. 遗传学概念.
DNA在白色背景上旋转. 3D rendered loop able animation of rotating DNA glowing molecule on 蓝色的 background. 遗传学概念.
医生给病人注射疫苗的动画视频. A doctor uses a syringe to give the vaccine to a patient 4K animation video. 疫苗接种运动4K动画录像.


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科学 stock videos are an invaluable asset for anyone working in the field of STEM. 例如:

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  • Professional videos make complex scientific data easy to understand for all technical levels through creative storytelling techniques such as motion graphics.
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那么,我们有什么? 的创意应用 免版税的片段 help with advertising, marketing, social media outreach, and professional networking. In particular, they could get more people interested and involved across all media. 这就是你想要的,对吧?


Template怪物 has high-quality footage for professionals in the scientific field. 的y include stunning visuals, 3D rendering, an alpha channel, and 动画 to boost your project. 更多的功能:

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你可以看到很多基于研究的录像. 的se include lab experiments, space observations, and the use of high-tech tools in new ways. 这些材料也有关于自然的教育部分, 生物学, 医学, 和工程, 哪些都是相关的领域.


许可的法律 are in place to protect your copyrights when you purchase a license from the Template怪物 website. 的se rules stop anyone else from copying or distributing it without your permission. 在TM的平台上成功购买后, 该保护系统将自动为所有客户设置到位.


一旦你为你选择的模板支付, it's available for download immediately (Account > 下载).

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是的,当然! 我们庞大的图书馆里的每一个项目都有一个即时预览. 的se are free and give you the most options for choosing the product you want.