
经典网站定制服务 - Thumbnail 1


这项服务很棒! 从创建我的Google AdWords帐户到发起两个专门的广告活动——Search和Performance Max,他们包办了一切. 他们还做了关键词研究和选择,这提高了我的目标和知名度. 我对结果非常满意.
我想为书店创建一个网站. I didn’t know how to install the template, so I trusted your team. 我得说我很满意. 服务真的很快. 我想当我准备好添加所有的产品的时候,我会找你们的服务来帮我定制我的商店.
Thank you very much for paying attention to the smallest details! 你的团队帮我调整了我音乐工作室网站的颜色,看起来很惊艳.


$299 $199
主题安装在web托管 为了使项目按时启动,客户应该向我们提供托管和FTP访问详细信息.
根据主题的要求设置主机 We’ll check if the selected hosting matches your theme. We’ll also adjust the hosting to fit your web theme perfectly well. 如果您还没有选择主机,我们的经理将帮助您选择最佳解决方案.
默认插件激活和设置 An exception may be those plugins that should be activated at an extra cost.
演示内容替换 将演示内容替换为客户端提供的内容,并将其发布在客户端的网站上. Publishing content on 5 web pages and 10 blog posts.
主题定制 我们将客户的标志添加到主题中,并根据客户的需求个性化配色方案.
网站联系方式设置 We publish and set up a contact form on a client’s website. 我们还可以根据客户的要求制作地图.
2 revisions 其中包括两个小的修订. These revisions expire within two weeks once the project is delivered.

How Does 经典网站定制服务 Work:

  1. 收集信息

    from 15 min

    当您的订单确认后, our team will contact you to ask for the details necessary to complete the service. 我们将需要获得访问您的托管帐户,其中模板将被安装. 以防您没有兼容的主机, 我们的支持代理将帮助您选择并注册一个所需的域名.

    也有必要向我们提供您的网页和博客文章的所有内容, 以及内容放置说明. 您可以通过回复项目经理的电子邮件或使用文件共享服务来做到这一点. In case you have any questions, your project manager will be happy to help you.

  2. 完成经典网站定制服务


    我们得到所有的数据后,我们将在您的主机上安装模板并自定义它. In particular, 我们的团队将添加您的标志和内容, 改变颜色(如果需要), 并激活联系表单. 在任何阶段,您都可以与项目经理一起检查项目的状态.

  3. Reviewing & finishing up

    from 15 min

    当我们的团队完成模板定制时,您将能够检查和批准结果. 如果你想在这个阶段修改或编辑任何东西,有两个免费的修订版可用*. 可以与您的项目经理讨论其他修复和更改的所有细节.

    项目最终审批后, we’ll send you the login and password details to access the admin panel. You’ll be able to log in to manage the site and make further customizations.

To Provide 经典网站定制服务, We Need:

  • cPanel加上FTP和MySQL访问您的主机
  • Logo (preferably in .SVG)
  • 要在模板中更改的颜色
  • 新颜色的RGB代码
  • Content (images and texts) for informational pages and blog posts
  • 详细的内容放置说明

Top Reasons to Try 经典网站定制服务

In case you haven’t worked with CMS platforms and hosting servers before, 不知道什么是cPanel, MySQL, and FTP mean, 我们是来帮忙的. 我们专业的设计师和开发团队将让您远离所有的困难. Within just a few business days (depending on the version you choose), 你会推出一个完美的, fully operational website without spending much time on template customization.

这个过程简单明了. 您所需要做的就是向我们提供您的托管帐户的登录详细信息, send texts and images along with the content placement instructions, 剩下的我们来做. 一旦我们掌握了所有的信息, 我们将开始履行此模板定制服务,使您的网站生活在五到八个工作日.

经典网站定制服务包括许多方面和多种变体. First of all, we’ll install a template 您在托管服务器上选择并激活它. Then, our professionals will activate the built-in contact form. After that, 我们会在包含的网站编辑服务中调整模板以满足您的需求. 我们的专家会特别添加您的标志和 改变配色方案 以配合你的公司调色板. Plus, we will add your content to up to five pages and ten blog posts, and optimize the site to rank much higher in search engines.

When we complete the template installation and content integration, 我们将检查一切是否正常. Plus, at this stage, 您将有两个小的修订,用于在我们的模板自定义服务中进行其他修复和更改. 当所有修改完成时, we will send you the website’s admin panel access details, 因此,您将能够登录开始管理您的网站,并进一步定制您的网站可能需要(添加更多内容), installing plugins, etc.)

我们的网站模板定制服务的另一个优点是,您将与您的个人项目经理一起工作. You will discuss all the details with him before the template customization begins. 稍后,您将能够在任何阶段检查您的网站创建项目的状态. 如果你没有托管账户, 您的项目经理和支持团队将帮助您注册一个具有所需域名的完全兼容的一年期托管帐户.

Please note:

  • 该服务仅对一个网站有效. Advanced coding and layout modifications are not included in the service, 但我们可以额外收费;
  • 我们会要求你提供你的logo, texts, 以及高质量的图像,以及内容放置和颜色变化的明确说明. 为了按时完成项目,您应该在项目开始前提供所有要求的信息;
  • 由于我们生产部门的负荷或其他情况,交货时间可能会有20-40%的变化;
  • 其中包括两个小的修订. These revisions expire within two weeks once the project is delivered.


What does 经典网站定制服务 include?

经典网站定制服务意味着定制任何选择的模板与您的内容. 具体而言,我们将:

  • 安装模板;
  • Add your logo;
  • 改变配色方案;
  • 激活内置的联系表单;
  • 将您的内容添加到最多5个模板页面;
  • 发表10篇博客文章.

How long will it take to complete 经典网站定制服务?

网站模板定制服务将需要5到8个工作日来安装和配置模板. 以满足项目的最后期限, you have to provide your content with clear instructions for content placement. After the service is completed, two minor revisions are available for free*. Additional revisions can also impact the time when your site will be launched. 你越早告诉我们你想让我们做什么编辑,我们就会越早介绍这些变化.

Can you deliver template installation and content integration faster?

Yes, for an additional fee, we can launch your site faster. 请在我们的网站上开始聊天, 指定何时需要准备好站点, 以及你想用什么模板. Our support team will provide you with available options.


Yes, you can provide our team with your content page by page, at your own pace. You don't have any time limits to gather texts and images. 但是,只有当所有材料准备好时,我们才会开始向您的网站添加内容. You will be able to discuss all these details with your project manager. 如果你想加快你的网站的启动, we can offer a Content Writing Service to create high-quality texts for your website.


Yes, 模板可以安装在已有的主机上, you just need to provide us with the correct access details. Mind that the hosting should be compatible with the chosen theme. However, 如果您还没有主机帐户, 我们可以帮助您选择和注册一个新的托管帐户,将符合您的要求.

Do I have to check that my hosting is compatible with a template?

Yes, you do. 有必要确保您的托管帐户符合模板的要求. 所有的托管提供商都是不同的, some use Linux, 其他则提供基于windows的帐户, your provider’s support team will share with you these details. If you cannot decide what hosting provider to choose, our support team will help you with the decision-making process.

What should I do if I need to add more content pages?

如果您需要任何额外的更改,我们提供网站定制服务,收取额外费用. 请随时og体育的支持团队. They will help you to choose the necessary services and to specify the pricing. An option to pay for the developers' hours is available as well.

Will you customize my online store if I have an eCommerce template?

Unfortunately, 此服务并不意味着存储配置或其他功能集成. 然而,我们提供一个特殊的 All-in-One Store设置 提供我们的电子商务主题. Please, contact our support team to decide on the necessary services.

When will a project manager contact me to specify details concerning my project? 我如何为网站模板定制服务提供我的标志和内容?

在你付款之后, 我们的项目经理之一将与您联系,指导如何提供您的内容. You may choose the more convenient way for you: for example, to send it via email or share using one of the file-sharing services.


项目完成后, 您将进行两个小的修改,以确保安装和定制符合您的期望. These revisions expire within two weeks once the project is delivered.

In what language do you provide the website creation service?

Project managers use English to provide all instructions related to your project.

Will you help me if I have an existing site (for example, on WIX or Squarespace) but want to migrate to WordPress?

We can migrate the content from your existing site to a new template with ease. Select a template, provide us with instructions on what content to place where, 我们将做剩下的(安装模板), 用文字和图片填满它, 并优化以获得更好的谷歌排名). As part of the 经典网站定制服务, we add content to 5 pages of your template and publish 10 blog posts. If you wish to migrate the functionality and tools from another CMS to WordPress, our team can manually add the respective features to your new website.

Our Portfolio


我想为书店创建一个网站. I didn’t know how to install the template, so I trusted your team. 我得说我很满意. 服务真的很快. 我想当我准备好添加所有的产品的时候,我会找你们的服务来帮我定制我的商店.
Thank you very much for paying attention to the smallest details! 你的团队帮我调整了我音乐工作室网站的颜色,看起来很惊艳.
I needed assistance in installing my template for a primary school. I’m not very technically-minded, so your service helped me a lot! 我喜欢我网站上的图片. Thanks a lot!

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