Best Visual Composer Plugins For Your WordPress Website

2017年WordPress Visual Composer网站构建器最佳插件

What makes WordPress one of the most popular CMS worldwide? The answer is its drag-and-drop functionality. 大多数WordPress主题都兼容直观的页面构建器,如Elementor和WP Bakery页面构建器(以前的Visual Composer)。. CodeCanyon的Visual Composer可以让你从不同的块中组合一个完整的网站. No web design skills or programming knowledge are needed! Visual Composer有很多兼容的插件,你可以用它们来实现不同的目的, or for a specific business need.

要使用Visual Composer,选择的WordPress主题必须与其功能兼容. Templateog体育首页 aims to create blogging and business WordPress themes compliant with popular drag-and-drop page builders.

Being one of the most in-demand website builders, WP Bakery (Visual Composer)提供了一系列的好处,比如:

  • front-end and back-end editors;
  • custom post types;
  • WordPress shortcodes support;
  • WPML-readiness;
  • SEO-friendliness.

Note: WP Bakery Page Builder是一个付费软件,有两个购买选项:常规许可证是45美元, while an extended license will cost you $245.

elementor wordpress plugins

Clever Mega Menu Plugin

visual composer plugins

Clever Mega Menu Plugin can take your website's navigation to a new level.

Using its selective menu and submenu layouts/skins, 一个人可以用最少的努力建立一个自定义的网站导航. Clever is a free WordPress extension with open-source code. 如果你已经购买并激活了WP面包店页面生成器WordPress插件,它是免费的. 拖放菜单构建器允许您将所需的块插入菜单结构中. With the help of the shortcodes, widgets, raw HTML, you can change the look and feel of the default skins. 响应式WordPress菜单在所有设备上看起来都很棒,包括智能手机、平板电脑和台式机.

Visual Composer Pricing Table Plugin

除了WP烘培兼容的菜单插件,你还可以安装 pricing table WordPress plugin. 这个Visual Composer插件是在线商店老板的一个极好的选择:它允许在几次点击中比较选定的产品. 此外,该插件允许您更改价格表的外观和感觉. Feel free to tweak the pricing table’s background, typography, color schemes, transparency, or even add some FontAwesome icons.

Designed as attractive call-to-action sources, 简单的定价表会给你的销售带来提升. Unlike most WP Bakery plugins available free of charge, the pricing table plugin's regular license costs $17. The price includes six months of technical support.

PriceFish Pricing Tables Plugin

PriceFish价格表是另一个流行的电子商务项目WordPress插件. 它的开发人员声称它是一个智能而强大的工具集,可以在任何WordPress网站上发布价格表. The plugin is entirely free to use. However, 你需要注册一个PriceFish网站,在将其嵌入到网页之前,把一个价格表放在一起.

您不仅可以创建响应式价格表,还可以查看综合分析. With its help, you can compare the design options, check out the conversion rates, time of sales, etc. 您可以随意使用插件进行a /B测试,以查看哪些更改适用于您的资源. 用这个插件创建的价格表在不同的屏幕尺寸和分辨率上看起来很棒.

Ultimate Carousel for WP Bakery Page Builder

Integrated into the WP Bakery, the Ultimate Carousel 是另一个WordPress carousel插件,你可以使用作为一个carousel创建系统. 尽管它是开源的,但它并不是一个独立的产品. 所以,你需要有WP面包店安装使用这个旋转木马插件. “Carousel Anything”功能可以帮助您将WordPress页面上的任何内容转换为Carousel.

它是伟大的图像滑块和视频展示创建. 此外,您可以选择使推荐或团队成员轮播嵌入到您的网站. 总的来说,终极旋转木马站在WordPress滑块插件为WP面包店.

Smart Slider 3 for WordPress

Smart Slider 3 最新的WordPress滑块插件能让你大吃一惊吗! 用户会惊讶于它所提供的功能比任何免费的高级WordPress插件都多. 除了从你选择的一堆图片中创建基本的图像滑块, this slider plugin can put together video slideshows. 智能滑块附带了一个工具集,用于制作YouTube和Vimeo幻灯片! 使用WordPress帖子创建幻灯片,并使用独特的幻灯片编辑器自定义幻灯片.

So, which plugin features do you need to know about?

  • Slide Editor -拖放幻灯片生成器与实时预览功能.
  • Slide Library -提供一组默认的WordPress兼容幻灯片作为开始.
  • Dynamic Slides — create dynamic slides using your website's content.
  • WordPress Integration -兼容许多WordPress短代码,小部件,post永久链接和post编辑器.
  • Extremely Customizable — 9 pre-made animated slide backgrounds, six different design layers, six sample sliders, font, and style manager.
  • 100% Responsive -兼容所有的小工具,屏幕尺寸和分辨率.

website themes

TablePress Plugin for WordPress

Besides having all kinds of embellishments on a website, you might need to insert functional elements like tables.

TablePress is a free plugin for table creation and management. 最棒的是,您不需要任何HTML知识就可以使用它! 由于用户友好和极简的界面,可以很容易地插入和编辑表数据. TablePress插件允许使用各种类型的数据,包括公式.

一个额外的JavaScript库提供了额外的功能,以引入更多的特性,如排序, pagination, filtering, for the convenience of site visitors. 一些用户报告了WP Bakery页面构建系统和TablePress之间的兼容性问题.


wordpress plugins

The Bottom Line

WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)是一个易于使用和直观的工具,可帮助您创建基于任何兼容的专业网站 WordPress theme. Using special add-ons, one can create and embed tables, image and video sliders, mega menu navigation, pricing tables, and more. 所需要做的就是选择正确的扩展并对其进行配置以满足您的需求.

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Irene Fatyanova

艾琳是一位内容作家,她喜欢报道最新的网页设计和在线营销趋势, WordPress and eCommerce solutions. Apart from writing tech articles, 她热衷于摄影,并且有一些很酷的Photoshop图像修饰技巧. You can connect with Irene on Twitter.

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